Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Here is our Father's Day present for dear old Dad... We love you, Daddy. Thanks for always showing the boys how much you love them and for tickling and playing crazy in a way that Mommies just can't do!!! I love to watch you and the boys together...thank you for being their dad. We love you! Love, Mommy, Jack & Tyler

...and a Big HAPPY FATHER's DAY to my Dad, who is an absolutely awesome father and grandfather. Here's a little something that we put together for him this year. Yes, the theme this year was "from the heart, not from the wallet" if you hadn't already noticed.


So we gathered this evening for a great dinner at Mimi and Grandpa's house. Here's a peek at the fun... Grandpa checked out his gifts, with some help:

Daddy's "Special": a bona fide TICKLE FIGHT!!!!

And after dinner and dessert, guess who found some extra cake back at the dinner table?


1 comment:

Candie Bowen said...

That's so cute. You are so creative!