Tyler celebrated his 19 month birthday recently...but he sure seems like a 2 yr old to me! He's become such a sweet, inquisitive, observant, and active little boy! He absolutely LOVES to play with his big brother. Outside, they both ride bikes and play "crash into each other (gently) head on" much to their Mom's dismay. Inside, they have ride on toys as well and play chase around the downstairs while Mommy gets dinner ready. They chase each other, run and laugh constantly. Jack is gentle and Tyler can keep up and hold his own pretty well! It is so much fun to watch our two boys become friends. What a blessing for them both! It's fun to have a house of (handsome) boys!

In other Tyler news, his favorite show is "Curious George" and he often points to the TV and asks for "Eee Eee" (the sound a monkey makes)
Tyler loves to give you a big, strong, arms-wrapped-around-your-neck big ol' hug. It'll cure whatever ails ya!
Tyler loves to watch Wipeout with his brother and now says "igh ow" and holds his head when the contestants crash to show that they got an 'owie'.
Tyler is eager to help around the house. He enjoys sweeping, putting his dirty diapers in the trash without being told, brushing his teeth all by himself and leading the prayer at dinner. He covers his eyes, peeks out from between his fingers, and then grunts to encourage us to participate as well. It is sooo cute!
Tyler can jump. And hit a ball off a tee. He has some raging gross motor skills!
Tyler calls Jack something like "ay AAK!" We're pretty sure he's copying Mommy, who says "Hey Jack!" more often than she just says Jack's name without the hey.
Tyler goes to a modified MDO one day a week...called Mimi & Grandpa's. Each Thursday, they keep him from 8-3. Gives Mommy time to get some work/errands/chores done and allows Tyler some great one on one time with his grandparents.
That's the update!