It is nearly "go" time and I'm getting a wee bit nervous. The kids and I are headed to a fun filled vacation to Disney World tomorrow. And that is FANTASTIC. My parents will be vacationing with us, and that is also FANTASTIC. However, I have to take both kids on the plane alone tomorrow in order to experience said awesome vacation. Oh, and I need to bring them both home alone on the plane too. Not so FANTASTIC.
Jack is a veteran air traveler. Has been flying to FL and various other states (CA, MA, IL to name a few) since he was a tot. He's a pro.

It isn't my eldest that has me concerned. It is my energizer bunny of a toddler! Whew, this little guy keeps me on my toes! See where he likes to hang out???

Good thing he's so cute!

I'm not sure how we are going to convince him that lap sitting for 1.5 hours on a plane is a good idea. Yes, I know the benadryl trick, but I'm not going to try it. Not my style. He'll most likely eat his weight in dry snacks and pummel his brother and me by standing and catapulting from seat to seat. Sure, he's flown before, twice to be exact. And he did great. But as you can see below, those were different, more contained, times.

Here are a few pictures from our last jaunt to Disney. We had a great time in CA at Disneyland in November. Tyler was 10 months old and understood his "job" of sitting in the stroller.

We didn't have to carry him too often and he even napped in the stroller when he got tired!

I'm sure it will be an adventure that will leave us with some good "Tenacious Toddler Tyler" stories!
Regardless, we plan on having an awesome time at our favorite stomping grounds. Jack is ready to show Tyler the ropes of his most favorite vacation place of all time! I hope the park is ready for US!!!!

"See" ya when we get back!!!