I'm taking a moment tonite, in the still of the late evening with both boys tucked in their beds, to give thanks. It shouldn't take a holiday to bring it to mind, but as is the season, here goes...
I give thanks to God for Scott, my provider and friend. Father to my boys...who strives daily to be the Daddy and husband he wants to be for our family. Jack and Tyler love their Daddy so much. Jack enjoys telling Daddy about his day and loves the way Daddy lets him listen to music when he tucks him in to bed. Little Tyler's face lights up like a Christmas tree when he sees his Daddy. Even without being able to yet say "I love you" his love is evident. I prayed long and hard for a Christian husband and provider for my family...and God granted my prayer request with a resounding yes.
I give thanks to Him for my beautiful children, who hold my heart. I also prayed fervently for children of my own and wondered, when I was 29 and single, if that would be a prayer that God would see fit to grant. Oh, did he do so! Jack is my ever loving, innocent angel boy. His spirit is honest and true and he loves us with great passion. I am proud to be his mom and even more proud because he can say so! He is growing up so quickly and I'm scared to blink for fear I'll miss a single moment! And Tyler, my sweet, smiling bundle of joy. How grateful I am that he has joined us and completed our family. He has brought renewed hope, healing and joy to all of our hearts. Most of all, he is a powerful force for Jack. We are blessed with the changes we have seen in Jack just since Tyler has arrived. He puts a smile on all of our faces. I can't wait to see what an amazing boy he will soon become as well!
I give thanks to my God for the relationship I have with my family. My parents, my brother and my mother in law. God has granted me wonderful people to call family. How lucky for me to have been placed, by God's own hand, into such a loving, caring and nurturing family as an adopted child. I am blessed beyond measure. And to spend almost every day with my parents this past year has been an enormous blessing that I could never even have imagined. I am so grateful for their decision to move to be near us and to be such a vital part in their grandchildren's lives.
I give thanks to God for my friends, both near and far. I have an amazing group of women that I can honestly call my friends. I am proud to call each one of them "friend" and rest in the comfort of knowing that they would rush to my aid, should I need it.
I am so grateful for this blessed life I am living. There have been many bumps in this road, but life is full of unexpected turns. I'm coming to understand that. Who wants to eat vanilla every day of the year? I know that my life experiences have shaped me into who I am today, in both negative and positive ways. I am constantly striving to be the woman that God intends for me to be...wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, advocate, contact person for help, volunteer at church and school. I enjoy the crazy, sometimes hectic place that I am in at this moment...and pray that God finds favor with it too.
Happy Thanksgiving. Give thanks for all that you have. Today and every day.